Friday, October 12, 2012

Society 6

So I'm probably way behind with this one, but I recently discovered Society 6, and I'm obsessed. It's like discovering Etsy all over again. Here's some of my favorite prints...

Not only is Up one of my favorite movies, but the color story in this print is perfect for a playroom project I'm working on for a new friend. Found here..
I'm thinking this one would be a great gift for an artist friend of mine. Found here....

This one is seriously amazing...I do love peacocks, but the style in this canvas is just too cool. Found here...

And then there is Emily Rickard, and I seriously love all of her work...
Like this:

and this:

Society 6 also has some great Ipad/laptop skins...Like this one:

and this one:

then there is this one, that's pretty cool:

and also this one:

I'm only slightly obsessed...Anyways, check it out and happy Friday all!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Window shopping...World Market

Sorry for the weird absences lately...I seriously sit down in front of my laptop and nothing..nada...I would love to blog about the new client projects I've been working on, but they are few right now and understandably so my clients would like me to  keep them on the down low (which I guess means not sharing them on the world wide web.) I would love to blog about the new projects I've been working on at home...but there aren't any. So I've been waiting ...for some sort of inspiration...for a truly genius post...hmmm, might be waiting for awhile. In the meantime, here's a little window shopping for your pleasure.
World Market is my favorite store...seriously, my favorite store...I've loved it since the first day I stepped foot in there four years ago. We buy half of our food there, and most of our home purchases there. Tonight we stopped in there before dinner and I was seriously blown away by some of their new stuff. Apparently I was not only in love with their new stuff, but in love with all of their new brass stuff...Here's what I'm digging...
It's not even a question...I love this Hammered copper tea kettle....At 40 bones, I feel like it's kind of a steal. Very elegant and no one would ever guess you bought it at World Market, looks vintage. Find it here....
Along the same lines, I love this bronze rim glass tea box...Found here...
This one, I actually snatched up...I had been looking for a hook for our utility room to hang the bajillions of dog collars/leashes on...This totally fit the bill...Found here...
I also loved this brass call bell, and definitely almost came home with it...I don't know why I loved it so much, but it had a great nostalgic nod. My husband reminded me though that every time his little brothers were here, we'd have to A.) Hide it or B.) listen to it all night...So, alas, I left without it...Find it here..
I debated on posting these, because I'm definitely getting them and I don't want anyone else to have them, but their too great to not share. Nico Nesting tables...Find them here...

And some none-brass items I loved...
This Time-zone clock was actually my husband's find, and he's been talking about it pretty much since we saw it....I have to admit, he has a good eye, it's pretty awesome..Find it here..
Another of the hubby's finds...we both loved these Green Sofia Flutes, and will probably go back and buy them...Find them here..
What about you guys? Any good World Market finds lately?