Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Someday I'll be a millionaire...

Someday I will buy a storage unit and fill it with vintage furniture that I will buy simply to reupholster in pretty fabrics...and I will make millions...or actually probably no money since it costs a fortune to have vintage furniture fact this hobby might break us... In any case, I would love to spend my days scouring vintage stores/flea markets for beautiful furniture to make my own. Oh how I would love all of these great pieces...
This is what I call, "granny chic" with those floral prints and shabby coffee that blue couch...

You know how much I love an impractical white couch...And the gold legs...forget about it...

Why do I feel the need to drink scotch and smoke a cigar in a night robe to own this couch....none of which I've ever done...
Love the mid century clean lines...I could totally live on this couch...
Oh that blue....and an acrylic coffee table...this one's definitely my favorite...come to mama...
...yes folks...someday I'm going to be a millionaire...or I'll end up broke, living in that storage unit....and probably single...because Race would leave me...


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