Monday, January 6, 2014


It's that time of year again. The time of year where we each vow to be better people, to evolve as human beings, and never eat a McDonalds double cheeseburger again...but by the end of the day we're scarfing down a #2 while watching another trashy episode of the Kardashians. Here's why resolutions don't work:
They're not realistic.
They're not specific.
They're immeasurable. 
For instance, how any people say they will learn to balance family and work in the upcoming new year? All of them. This isn't realistic or defined. There is no measure of what's right or wrong in the balance of life. There's no way to know if you've accomplished this. The world we live in leaves little room for balance, and expects a lot from each individual when it comes to work vs play. In the end it's not practical. Nor is it specific. Maybe resolve to spend one day a week away from your computer/phone/Ipad and spend it purely with family. That is a resolution.
So here's no particular order:
1. Two dinners at the dining table with my husband a week sans television/phones. For some this may seem like a ridiculous goal, because it comes so easily to you. We work weird hours. I don't come home from work, strap on an apron, and play Lucy. Almost every night at our house consists of us grabbing take out on our way home, and eating at our coffee table at 8 o' clock at night....and yes half the time the television is on.

2. Become a better blogger....again too vague. How about post three times a week? That's better.  In less than 8 months, this will be my full time job (at least for awhile). I need consistency, and organization. My goal is to post three times a week (which is no small feat, and makes me resent/covet those bloggers that post 7 times a week). At least two projects a month (will be hard over the next few months, while we're attempting to sell our home). At least 4 mood-boards a month.

3. Find/buy a dream home. This one might seem super vague, but in our world it's not. We have a list of about 15 things our next home must have, and we're not giving in this time. A house with those 15 things is the only house we will buy. We're in kind of a rough place right now. The hubby wants to build, and that was always the plan. But building a new house 500 miles away has it's issues. For instance, we wouldn't get to see it being built, it wouldn't be ready in time for us when we have to be down there, meaning we would be renting a tiny apartment somewhere or living in a hotel for months, and we wouldn't be there to point out the many mistakes that are bound to happen when building a house over the phone. I on the other hand, want to buy a house we can make our own over time. Something with the space and 15 must have's, but maybe needs some new paint/updating. Eventually, we'll figure out the plan, but regardless it will be our dream home, and a home we will raise a family in.

4. Spend more time with friends/family. Again, I'm leaving in 8 months or so. I wont be able to see my friends every few weeks, so right now they are a new priority. It's easy when you all live within 20 minutes of each other, to say oh I can't this week but maybe next week. When we're a three hour flight/7 hour drive away from each other it wont be that simple. I'm going to soak up the next few months, and get as much time with them as I can. My ultimate goal, would be to spend time with friends/family once a week.

5. Try new things. Last year my resolution was to try something new every week. Whether that was a new food/restaurant, going to an event I had never been to, or simply switching up my coffee order one morning. I did really well for awhile, but fell off the wagon in late March. I'm going to try it again. One new thing a week.
Now tell me what your resolutions are? Anyone giving up chocolate or vowing to never eat another carb? God be with you. 


  1. I completely agree about the resolutions! You need something you can say: "yes I accomplished this" to, or it's not worth it! Love your blog!

  2. I especially love #4 ;)

  3. These are fantastic goals for the new year! Good luck to you and your new adventure!


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