Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Shot through the heart...

I'll just come right out and say it...I don't love flowers...I know, gasp, a wanna-be interior stylist who doesn't like flowers? It's not that I don't like the look of them, because I absolutely do, they add the perfect pop of color and livelihood most rooms need but...they die, they're expensive, and they really only look pretty for about a day. Lately, I've been toying with ideas for styling rooms without flowers. It's not easy, I tell ya. Every space, really needs the height and dimension flowers add to a space.  While perusing on Pinterest, I saw this:
I am so obsessed with this idea, I can't stand it. The arrows add the height and depth that flowers in a tall vase give you, but they wont die, and my dog wont attempt to eat them (I don't know why he does this). Plus how fun and whimsical would this be in any space. I've been on a search for vintage arrows for a decent price and good color for a couple months now to no avail, but I WILL find them. 
In any case, I think Bon Jovi would be proud...Oh, and you're welcome for getting that song stuck in your head for the rest of the day...


  1. OMG! Why I haven't I ever thought of this?!

  2. Seriously genius! Can't wait to try my hand at this in my own home.


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