Friday, May 17, 2013

I'm Lovin' It May...

Seriously....when did it become May?....
Here's what I'm lovin' this month:
GroopDealz...I must live under a rock, because I've just discovered Groop Dealz, and I'm seriously addicted. I'm sad to say that I get very excited when I get their e-mails.....its the little things in life. Anyways for probably the one person out there, that is not already aware, GrooDealz is a shopping website that sends you fantastic "daily deals." Here's a few of the fantastic deals I've scored lately:
These designer Scallop stacking rings are only $5.99 right now! I may have ordered the pink...and mint...and gold. What can I say, I love them.
Along with the mint leather bow bracelet for only $7.99.
and this Chevron ribbon in red for only $2.95, as well:
Yeah...I may be addicted.
Then there's the new Novogratz Brasil Collection at CB2....OBSESSED:

So many bright colors and patterns, with so many Brazilian influences. Love it.
There's just a bit of what I'm lovin' this month...What about you?


  1. Love groop dealz, they have the best stuff!

  2. The Novogratzs are seriously genius!


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